page 85MARK-V FT-1000MP Operating Manual
The multi-function meter offers either flashing single
or dual segments to indicate properly tuned CW or FSK
(RTTY/PKT) stations. An explanation of tuning indica-
tions is on page 42.
From the factory, the single CW tuning segment is
calibrated (centered) for the default CW Pitch setting
of 700 Hz. If you change the CW Pitch (page 56) to
other than 700 Hz, you should re-calibrate the meter
so that station center-tuning will match the new CW
Pitch. Calibration is a simple process, and only requires
a small Phillips screwdriver:
CW Tuning Meter Calibration
(after CW Pitch adjustment)
r Open the access panel on the transceiver top case
to expose the ALC Unit.
r After setting the desired CW Pitch, press the
button to toggle the CW spot tone (which matches
the CW Pitch) on. Use a small screwdriver to slowly
turn CW control in the top access panel so the cen-
ter meter tuning segment turns on.
r This completes the calibration for CW tuning; re-
place the panel, and turn off the spot tone.
RTTY tuning segments are calibrated (centered) for
default 170-Hz shift, using a mark/space pair of 2125/
2295 Hz. If you change the default RTTY shift (menu
selection 6-0) to other than 170 Hz, you should re-cali-
brate the meter so that mark/space tuning segments
match the new tone pair:
RTTY Tuning Meter Calibration
(after changing RTTY Shift)
r Open the access panel on the transceiver top case
to expose the ALC Unit.
r After setting the desired RTTY shift, recall menu
selection 4-2, and select “bEEP-tun” using the SUB
VFO-B tuning knob.
r Rotate the MAIN VFO-A knob to display (and oscil-
late) the center frequency of the mark/space tone
pair for the shift you are using (170 Hz = 2210 Hz,
425 Hz = 2125 Hz, 850 Hz = 2550 Hz).
r Use a small screwdriver to slowly turn RTTY con-
trol in the top access panel so the center meter tun-
ing segment turns on.
This completes the RTTY calibration, replace the
panel, and turn off the beep tone.
The dual packet tuning segments are calibrated
(centered) to the default 200-Hz shift tones used for
300-baud HF packet. These tones use a mark/space
pair of 2025/2225 Hz. If you change the default PKT
tones (menu selection 6-5) to other than 2025/2225 Hz,
you should re-calibrate the meter so that mark/space
tuning segments will match the new tone pair:
PKT Tuning Meter Calibration
(after changing PKT Tones)
r Open the access panel on the transceiver top case
to expose the ALC Unit.
r After selecting the desired tone pair, recall menu
selection 4-2, and select “bEEP-tun” using the SUB
VFO-B knob.
r Rotate the MAIN VFO-A knob to display (and oscil-
late) the center frequency of the mark/space tone
pair you are using (1170 Hz, 1700 Hz, 2125 Hz,
2210 Hz - see page 58).
r Use a small screwdriver to slowly turn PKT control
in the top access panel so the center meter tuning
segment turns on.
This completes the PKT calibration, replace the
panel, and turn off the beep tone.
Do not adjust TUM-M control in the top access
panel by mistake, as this will adversely affect meter
tuning indication, requiring factory re-alignment!
Advanced Features
Meter Calibration Points (Top Panel Access)