Chapter 2
Serial Port Connectors: COM 1
The mainboard offers one 9-pin male Serial Port connector (COM 1) . You can
attach a serial mouse or other serial devices directly to this port.
MIDI/Game Connector
You can connect a joystick or game pad
to this connector.
Pin Definition
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
9-Pin Male DIN Connectors
1 DCD Data Carry Detect
2 SIN Serial In or Receive Data
3 SOUT Serial Out or Transmit Data
4 DTR Data Terminal Ready
5. GND Ground
6. DSR Data Set Ready
7. RTS Request To Send
8. CTS Clear To Send
9. RI Ring Indicate
Audio Port Connectors
Line-Out is a connector for speakers or
headphones. The Line-In connector
can be used for an external CD player,
tape player, or other audio devices. The
Mic-In connector is for connecting mi-
1/8” Stereo Audio Connectors
Line Out
Line In MIC
RJ-45 NIC Port
The mainboard provides one standard
RJ-45 port for connection to the Local
Area Network (LAN). You can connect
a network cable to the LAN port.
A DB-15 pin female connector that con-
nects to a VGA monitor.