selling price and profit margin
amount. Enter the value of any 2
items to obtain the balance value
item. (e.g. enter the value of the
cost and the selling price to obtain
the profit margin.)
[GT] :In Grand total mode, adds the
total register to theGT register by
The (*/T) key
[SET] :Used to set the date and time in
calendar & clock mode
[AM/PM] :Used to switch between AM or PM
at clock mode time setting
[12/24] :Used to switch between 12 or 24
hour at clock mode time setting
[FORMAT] :Used to select date format
between “YYYY/MM/DD”,
at calendar mode
M : A number has been stored in memory
E : Error or overflow of capacity
– : The display value is negative
The TIME/DATE key is used to display the
Time or Date.
Depressing the TIME/DATE key once displays
the dateMM-DD-YYYY.
Depressing the TIME/DATE key a second time
displays the time , HH-MM-SS.
When displaying the Date or Time the = key
becomes a to enter or exit the date or time set