
Clear / Clear Entry Key: Clears a live entry by pressing the key once. Press
twice to clear the accumulator or pending calculation. The Clear key does not
clear the Memory. To clear the memory, press the MT key.
Minus Key: Subtracts an amount from the accumulator. To subtract the same
amount more than one time (repeat subtraction), enter that amount once and
depress the Minus key as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed
immediately after the (%) key, it works as a percent minus key.
Plus Key: Adds an amount to the accumulator. To add the same amount more
than one time (repeat addition), enter that amount once and depress the Plus key
as many times as necessary. If this key is depressed immediately after the (%)
key, it works as a percent add key.
Send To PC Key: This key is used to send the information in the calculator’s
display to the cursor of a personal computer. The information is sent exactly as it
is displayed on the calculator.
The Wireless Data Relay device must be installed into the computer’s USB
port when using any of the three PC Modes.
Wireless Data Relay (Fig. 10)
Non Add Key: Will print a live entry as an identifier or as an invoice number
without adding the number to the accumulator. The number will appear on the
left hand side of the tape with the “#” sign.
Subtotal Key: Prints a subtotal, but does not clear the accumulator.
Total Key: Prints and clears the accumulator. This key will also print the total of
multiplication and division calculations when the slide switch is in the Sigma
mode (Σ).