4. Calculator or PC Switch
CALC Normal calculation mode.
PC When connect the calculator to computer by using USB cable, turn ON
this switch will change calculator to ‘Ten Key Pad’ Mode. Display will be
showing ‘ – PC – ’.
Printer Select Switch
OFF Turn Off the calculator.
ON Printer is activated only when feed key or [#/S] key is pressed.
P Printer is activated as long as calculator is turned on.
IC Number of entries through key [+], [−], [M+], [M−] will be counted.
Result is printed at left when subtotal or total is key is used.
6. [↑]
Paper Feed Key
Advance the paper roll.
7. [→]
Right Shift
Deletes right most character of a live entry.
Backspace Key
Used in PC Application. Delete one character to the left.
8. [COST]
Cost Key
Used to enter the Cost factor in a Gross Profit Margin calculation.
9. [SELL]
Sell Key
Used to enter the Selling price in Gross Profit Margin calculation.
[MARGIN] Profit Margin Key
Used to enter the desired Margin in a Gross Profit Margin calculation.
11. [TAX 1]
Tax 1 Key
Calculate an amount of Tax 1 with tax rate preset by [RATE] key. Use [+] key for
calculating an amount include VAT, and [−] key for calculating an amount
excluding VAT.
12. [TAX 2]
Tax 2 Key
Calculate an amount of Tax 2 with tax rate preset by [RATE] key. Use [+] key for
calculating an amount include VAT, and [−] key for calculating an amount
excluding VAT.