Display and configures the encryption settings.
Item Description
Key Length Select WEP key length (64 bit or 128 bit), longer WEP
key provides better security. Recommend to select
‘128-bit’ for better security.
Key Format Select key format: ASCII or Hex.
ASCII: 5 characters (64 bit key length) / 13 characters
(128 bit key length)
HEX: 10 characters (64 bit key length) / 26 characters
(128 bit key length)
Default Tx Key You can set up to four sets of WEP key and decide
which key is being used by default here. Default setting
is ‘1’
Encryption Key 1
to 4
Input WEP key characters here. Use any
alphanumerical characters (0-9, a-z, and A-Z) if you
select ‘ASCII’ key format, and use characters 0-9, a-f,
and A-F for HEX
Enable 802.1x
Enables 802.1x authentication. You don’t have to check
this box if you don’t have 802.1x authentication server.
RADIUS Server IP IP address of RADIUS authentication server.