
Replacing the Water Filter
Replacement water filters are available through your local Viking Range
Dealer. You may also order filters by calling 1-888-845-4641 or online
at vikingrange.com
IMPORTANT: Air trapped in the water system may cause water and
filter to eject. ALWAYS dispense water for at least 2 minutes before
removing the filter or blue bypass cap.
1. Turn filter counterclockwise to remove.
2. Remove sealing label from replacement filter and insert the filter
end into the filter head.
3. Turn the filter clockwise until it stops. Snap the filter cover closed.
4. Flush the water system. See “Water Dispenser” section.
Note: The dispenser feature may be used without a water filter
installed. Your water will not be filtered. If this option is chosen,
replace the filter with the blue bypass cap.
Refrigerator Water Filter
Cartridge Model RWFFR
Service Flow Rate (Maximum)...................................0.78 GPM (2.9 L/min)
Rated Service Life RWFFR (750 gal. Max)...............750 gal./2838 liters
Maximum Operating Temperature..........................100°F/38°C
Minimum Pressure Requirement .............................35 psi/241 kPA
Minimum Operating Temperature...........................33°F/1°C
Maximum Operating Pressure.................................120 psi/827 kPA
Water Filtration System (cont.)
TTeesstteedd aanndd cceerrttiiffiieedd bbyy NNSSFF IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall aaggaaiinnsstt AANNSSII//NNSSFF SSttaannddaarrddss
4422 && 5533 iinn mmooddeellss RRWWFFFFRR ffoorr tthhee rreedduuccttiioonn ooff::
SSttaannddaarrdd NNoo.. 4422 SSttaannddaarrdd NNoo.. 5533
AAeesstthheettiicc EEffffeeccttss:: HHeeaalltthh EEffffeeccttss::
Taste and Odor Reduction Chemical Reduction Unit
Chlorine Taste & Odor Lead, Atrazine, Lindane,
Mechanical Filtration Unit Benzene, Carbofuran,
Particulate Reduction Class I p-Dichlorobenzene, Mercury, &
Toxaphene Reduction
Mechanical Filtration Unit
Cyst, Turbidity & Asbestos
The water filter is located in the upper right-hand corner of the
refrigerator compartment.
DO NOT use with water that is microbiologically unsafe or of
unknown quality without adequate disinfection before or after the system.
Systems certified for cyst reduction may be used on disinfected waters that
may contain filterable cysts.
Water Filter Status
When a water filter has been installed in the refrigerator, the water
filter status lights help you know when to change your water filter.
The water filter status icon will change from “Good” to “Order
Filter” when 90% of the volume of water for which the filter is rated
has passed through the filter OR 5 months have passed since the
filter was installed.
The “Replace Water Filter” icon will illuminate and blink continuously
during dispensing when the rated volume of water has passed
through the filter OR 6 months have passed since the filter was
installed. A new water filter should be installed immediately when
the Replace light is illuminated.
After 14 days at Replace Filter stage, the “Replace Filter” and
“water” icons will glow at all times and blink continuously during
dispensing. Also, an alert chime will sound three times following
The disposable water filter should be replaced at least every
6 months. If the water flow to the water dispenser or ice maker
decreases noticeably before 6 months have passed, replace the
water filter more often.
Reset Water Filter Status
After changing the water filter, reset the status light. Press the
OPTIONS button to enter Options mode, then press LOCK to initiate
the reset, then press MEASURED FILL to confirm that you want to reset
the status light. When the system is reset, the “ORDER” and
“REPLACE” icons will disappear from the display screen.
Water Filtration System