Located to the left of the fan switches is the halogen light switch. This
controls the 50 watt halogen lights located in the front of the hood. The
halogen lights also have a switch which can be rotated in order to dim or
brighten the lights. Turn the dimmer control knob clockwise to brighten the
lights and counterclockwise to dim.
Each 18” H. indoor hood will be equipped with one or two heat lamp
outlets. The switches to operate the heat lamps will be located on the right
end of the control panel. The 250 watt infrared bulbs are not included and
should be purchased locally.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: DDoo nnoott ppllaaccee ffllaammmmaabbllee mmaatteerriiaall
oonn wwaarrmmiinngg sshheellvveess wwhheenn uussiinngg hheeaatt llaammppss..
Heat Sensor Thermostat
Your hood is equipped with a heat sensor thermostat. The thermostat will
turn on or speed up the blower if it senses excessive heat above the cooking
surface. If the blower is OFF - it turns the blower ON to HIGH speed. If the
blower is ON at a lower speed setting - it turns the blower up to HIGH
speed. When the temperature level drops to normal, the blower will return
to its original setting.
IIff tthhee ppoowweerr ttoo tthhee hhoooodd iiss nnoott
ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd dduurriinngg cclleeaanniinngg,, tthhee hheeaatt sseennssoorr tthheerrmmoossttaatt ccaann ccaauussee
bblloowweerr ttoo ttuurrnn OONN..
Cleaning and Maintenance
Any piece of equipment works better and lasts longer when
maintained properly and kept clean. Ventilation equipment is no exception.
Your hood must be kept clean and maintained properly.
Cleaning the Baffle Filters
As air passes through a baffle filter, grease particles collect on the stainless
steel “U” shaped baffle channels and drip down into the bottom of the filter.
Baffle filters are extremely efficient when compared to mesh filters. The
power of the hood is increased as more air passes through a baffle filter than
with usually dirty mesh filters. The capture of grease is also superior as baffle
filters are almost universally required in commercial installations. The baffle
filters should be examined periodically to assure that all surfaces and parts are
clean. The filters can be washed in a dishwasher or in a sink with hot, soapy
water. Simple periodic cleaning will insure maximum filter effectiveness.
Using the Grill with Outdoor Approved Hoods
•Outdoor approved hood models should be installed in a covered non-
enclosed area. They should also be protected from natural elements (such as
rain) as much as possible.
•Always turn the outdoor hood on to the HI position before lighting the grill.
•Keep the grill canopy closed as much as possible when cooking so smoke is
exhausted out the back of the grill. This allows for optimum performance of
the hood.
•During breezy conditions, the performance of the outdoor hood may be
•Do not use caustic detergent to clean the filters. A caustic cleaner may
damage the finish.
•Do not take the baffle filters apart to clean them. It is not necessary and will
void the filter warranty.
When cleaning filters in 18” H. hoods, always remove the grease trough and
clean by placing in sink with hot soapy water.
Grease Trough
(18” H. Hoods only)