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T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
Set server parameter values
Note: This request require administrator access
Method: GET/POST
[&<parameter>=<value>…][&return=<return page>]
parameter value description
0, 1 Specifies that there should be no sync (write) of
the corresponding configuration file on flash. If
parameter is omitted, a sync write will occur.
(note: this parameter must be put at begin o
parameter list)
value to
Assign <value> to the parameter
<return page> Redirect to the page <return page> after the
parameter is assigned. The <return page> can
be a full URL path or relative path according the
the current path. If you omit this parameter, it
will redirect to an empty page.
(note: The return page can be a general HTML
file(.htm, .html) or a Vivotek server script
executable (.vspx) file. It can not be a CGI
command. It can not have any extra
parameters. This parameter must be put at end
of parameter list)