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T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
C. URL commands of Network Camera
For some customers who already have their own web site or web control application,
Network Camera can be easily integrated through convenient URLs. This section lists
the commands in URL format corresponding to the basic functions of Network
This section specifies the external HTTP based application programming interface.
The HTTP based camera interface provides the functionality to request a single image,
to control camera functions (output relay etc.) and to get and set internal parameter
values. The image and CGI-requests are handled by the built in Web server.
Style convention
In URL syntax and in descriptions of CGI parameters, a text in italic within angle
brackets denotes a content that is to be replaced with either a value or a string. When
replacing the text string also the angle brackets shall be replaced. An example of this
is the description of the name for the server, denoted with <servername> in the URL
syntax description below, that is replaced with the string myserver in the URL syntax
example, also below.
URL syntax' are written with the “Syntax:" word written in bold face followed by a
box with the referred syntax as seen below. The name of the server is written as
<servername>. This is intended to be replaced with the name of the actual server.
This can either be a name, e.g., "mywebcam" or "thecam.adomain.net" or the
associated IP number for the server, e.g.,