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T: 886-2-22404099
F: 886-2-22404097
If you want to expand the viewers tremendously, host a powerful web site that can
handles large network traffic and attract eyeballs with the picture refreshed often by
Network Camera.
If the web space has FTP service,
Setup Network C amera as an FTP client to upload the pictures. The advantage is the
access of Network Camera is independent of the viewers to ensure the quality.
1. Click on “Configuration” on homepage,
2. Click on “Network” at the left column,
3. Fill the FTP related settings including server, user name and password, as well as the
upload path if specified by the web space,
4. Click on save and wait for system restart,
5. Click on “Application” at the left column,
6. Select the weekday and daily schedule you want to upload the pictures,
7. Select “Sequential operation” and set the interval,
8. Select FTP without date time suffix as the upload method and click on save,
9. The image file uploaded to the web space is named “video.jpg”. Check if the file is