- 23 -
T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
5. Click on “Application” in the left column,
6. Select the day or days of the week in “Weekly schedule” you want to upload the
7. Select “Sequential operation” and set the interval,
8. Unselect "FTP put snapshots with date and time suffix" as the upload method and
click on "Save",
9. The image file uploaded to the web space is named “video.jpg”. Check if the file is
successfully uploaded to the correct folder,
10. Prepare a homepage with the embedded image reference to the image file
uploaded via FTP in advance.
If the web space has no FTP service
An auto-refresh homepage can be used to periodically poll the newest image from the
Network Camera. It is most efficient if using a free web space provider as the FTP
service may be limiting.
1. Prepare an auto-refresh homepage as the following example. The URL of image is
http://“IP address of the Network Camera”/cgi-bin/video.jpg. Modify the IP address