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T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
open open-key authentication
1 64 bits key length klen
2 128 bits key length
h hexadecimal format of key kform
a ASCII format of key
dkey 1 ~ 4 one of four keys
netkey1 hexadecimal string (00 ~ FF) network key 1
netkey2 hexadecimal string (00 ~ FF) network key 2
netkey3 hexadecimal string (00 ~ FF) network key 3
netkey4 hexadecimal string (00 ~ FF) network key 4
*Hexadecimal string means the string is composed of two-digit ASCII code indicating
the hexadecimal value. For example, if the network key is “abcdefg” in ASCII format,
the hexadecimal string will be “61626364656667”.
DDNS & UPnP Configuration URL
URL: /setup/ddns.cgi
enddns anything Enable DDNS function. This option must be resent
whenever the URL is called, if DDNS function is to
be enabled.
1 DynDDNS.org(Dynamic)
2 DynDDNS.org(Custom)
3 TZO.com
4 dhs.org
host <the hostname> The hostname of the Network Camera
usermail username or mail
he login username of DDNS server or the email
address registered in DDNS server.
passkey password or key
he login password of DDNS server or the key
given by the DDNS server.