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T: 886-2-82455282
F: 886-2-82455532
digital output will short both pins and complete the external device’s circuit. The
normal state is open. Either email or FTP can be used to command uploading
snapshots. The snapshot names will be “videopre.jpg”, “videotrg.jpg”, and
“videopos.jpg”, respectively. They stand for the snapshots, before event, right upon
event, and after event. The date and time suffix may also be added as an option.
Confirm the external mail or FTP server settings in the network configuration.
“Reset output” Select and save this option to reset the external device at the
digital output to return to the original state.
Sequential Operation
“Snapshot interval” The Network Camera will send snapshots at the specified
intervals to the external server.
“Send snapshots by email” This selects the uploading method following the
intervals set above. The snapshot named “video.jpg” will be attached in the email
with the subject title “Periodic snapshots”.
“Send snapshots by FTP” The snapshots will be uploaded to the external FTP
server with the file name defined in the next option. This can also be used to refresh
the captured images stored in the external web server to build creative homepages.
“FTP put snapshots with date and time suffix” This option sets up the snapshot
capture date and time, which can be used to easily differentiate the snapshot file
names in either the sequential or event operation. For instance,
“pre_20020102030405.jpg” means the JPEG image was captured in the year 2002,
January 2
, after 3 o’clock, 4 minute and 5 second as the previous frame in event
operation. If this suffix is omitted, the file named “video.jpg” on the external FTP
server will be refreshed at the specified interval.