
VIVOTEK - A Leading Provider of Multimedia Communication Solutions
110 - User's Manual
ca_exist <boolean> 6/6 CA installed flag
ca_time <integer> 6/7 CA installed time. Represented in EPOCH
ca_size <integer> 6/7 CA file size (in bytes)
certificate_exist <boolean> 6/6 Certificate installed flag (for TLS)
certificate_time <integer> 6/7 Certificate installed time. Represented in EPOCH
certificate_size <integer> 6/7 Certificate file size (in bytes)
privatekey_exist <boolean> 6/6 Private key installed flag (for TLS)
privatekey_time <integer> 6/7 Private key installed time. Represented in EPOCH
privatekey _size <integer> 6/7 Private key file size (in bytes)
Subgroup of network: qos
cos_enable <boolean> 6/6 Enable/disable CoS (IEEE 802.1p)
cos_vlanid 1~4095 6/6 VLAN ID
cos_video 0~7 6/6 Video channel for CoS
cos_audio 0~7 6/6 Audio channel for CoS
cos_eventalarm 0~7 6/6 Event/alarm channel for CoS
cos_management 0~7 6/6 Management channel for CoS
dscp_enable <boolean> 6/6 Enable/disable DSCP
dscp_video 0~7 6/6 Video channel for DSCP
dscp_audio 0~7 6/6 Audio channel for DSCP
dscp_eventalarm 0~7 6/6 Event/alarm channel for DSCP
dscp_management 0~7 6/6 Management channel for DSCP
Group: snmp (capability.snmp) (product dependent)
v2 0~1 6/6 SNMP v2 enabled. 0 for disable, 1 for enable
v3 0~1 6/6 SNMP v3 enabled. 0 for disable, 1 for enable
secnamerw string[31] 6/6 Read/write security name
secnamero string[31] 6/6 Read only security name
authpwrw string[8~128] 6/6 Read/write authentication password
authpwro string[8~128] 6/6 Read only authentication password
authtyperw MD5,SHA 6/6 Read/write authentication type
authtypero MD5,SHA 6/6 Read only authentication type
encryptpwrw string[8~128] 6/6 Read/write passwrd
encryptpwro string[8~128] 6/6 Read only password
encrypttyperw DES 6/6 Read/write encryption type