
SSeerrvviiccee IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
If your oven should fail to operate:
1. Is the electrical cord securely inserted into the electrical outlet?
2. Is the circuit breaker open, or is fuse blown?
If service is required:
1. Call your dealer or authorized service agency. The name of the
authorized service agency can be obtained from the dealer or distributor
in your area.
2. Have the following information readily available:
a. Model number
b. Serial number
c. Date of purchase
d. Name of dealer from whom purchased
3. Clearly describe the problem that you are having.
If you are unable to obtain the name of an authorized service agency, or if
you continue to have service problems, contact Viking Range Corporation
at (662) 451-4133 or write to:
111 Front Street
Greenwood, Mississippi (MS) 38930 USA
Record the following information indicated below. You will need it if service
is ever required. The serial number and model number for your oven is
located on the identification plate mounted on the bottom left side of the
oven door opening.
Model Number Serial Number
Date of Purchase Date Installed
Dealer's Name
If service requires installation of parts, use only authorized parts to ensure
protection under the warranty.
TThhiiss mmaannuuaall sshhoouulldd rreemmaaiinn wwiitthh tthhee oovveenn ffoorr ffuuttuurree rreeffeerreennccee..
PPoowweerr FFaaiilluurree
Do not attempt to use during a power failure. Unit will not function.
PPrroobblleemm PPoossssiibbllee CCaauussee aanndd//oorr RReemmeeddyy
1. Oven will not function Oven is not connected to electrical
power. Have electrician check power
circuit breaker, wiring and fuses.
2. Oven does not Door is not shut tight enough for
operate in self-clean automatic door latch to lock.
3. Oven is not clean Temperature control knob not rotated all
after self-clean cycle the way pass cletent until it stops.
4. Broil does not Temperature control knob is rotated too
work far past broil position.
5. Door will not open Oven is still in self-clean mode. If oven is
hot, door latch will release when a safe
temperature is reached.
6. Oven light will not work Light bulb is burned out
Oven is not connected to power.
1. Unsnap glass light cover at opposite
end from metal hinge.
2. Firmly grasp light bulb and pull out.
3. Replace with a 64405, 12V-5W bulb.
4. Replace the light cover by first
sliding into metal hinge and then
snapping close on opposite end.
5. Reconnect power at the main fuse or
circuit breaker.
RReeppllaacciinngg IInntteerriioorr HHaallooggeenn LLiigghhttss
((AAnnaalloogg MMooddeellss))
DDoo nnoott ttoouucchh bbuullbb wwiitthh bbaarree hhaannddss.. CClleeaann aannyy ssiiggnnss ooff ooiill ooffff ooff tthhee
bbuullbb aanndd hhaannddllee wwiitthh aa ssoofftt ccllootthh..
Glass light cover