Mitel Contact Center Management Installation Guide
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Installing and configuring Contact Center Management / Call
To install and configure Contact Center Management / Call Accounting
1. From vSphere Client or vCenter, power on and launch Virtual Machine Console for your Contact Center
Management / Call Accounting virtual machine.
Windows will begin setting up your computer, then reboot, and then finish setting up your computer.
2. When the Set Up Windows dialog opens, specify your country or region, time and current, and keyboard
layout options.
3. Click Next.
4. Type your Windows 2008 Server product key and click Next.
prairieFyre Software will have provided the Windows Server product key during the software fulfillment
5. Review the Microsoft Windows license terms and select the I accept the license terms check box.
6. Click Next.
7. Type a Windows Server computer name for this virtual machine.
8. Click Start.
The virtual machine will boot into Windows.
9. Click in your virtual machine controls, click either VM=>Guest=>Send ALT+CTRL+DEL or press
10. Select the Administrator account.
11. When prompted with the need to change the Administrator password, click OK.
12. Type a new password in the Password and Confirm password fields.
13. Click Enter.
14. Click OK.
15. Log in to the server using the Administrator account credentials.
The ContactCenter Management / Call Accounting ConfigurationWizard opens.
16. On the Registration window, the wizard prompts you to select one of the following licensing options,
then click Next.
NOTE: To ensure you are able to register online, any firewalls and proxies must be configured to allow
traffic over port 80 to IP address
l If an active Internet connection is available and you can access the license server, you must
register online. Select I would like to register now. The license key will be provided over the
phone or by email by Mitel or prairieFyre during the purchasing and registration process. After
License key, paste the entire license key. You must submit your registration information to
prairieFyre and implement your license files within thirty days to complete your software
l If you do not have access to the Internet or if you cannot access our license server, select I
would like to register later. Selecting this option will install a temporary demo license. Contact
prairieFyre at 613-599-0045 or to obtain your licensing key (North
American customers) or your approved Mitel vendor (for customers residing in Latin America,
Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific).
The Service Credentials window opens.
17. Type the username and password that will be used to control Contact Center Management services and
click Next.
This is the username and password you specified in Step 12. The ContactCenter Management / Call
Accounting Configuration Wizard will update your Enterprise Server IP address and configure report
distribution. The InstallShieldWizard Completed window opens.
18. Click Finish.