Manual transmission
Do not exceed following speeds:*
First 600 miles(1,000
600-1,200 miles(1,000-2,000 km)
Gear mph km/h mph km/h
first 18 30 25 40
second 30 50 45 70
third 50 80 60 100
fourth 70 110 80 130
overdrive 80 130 90 150
*These are the maximum speeds recommended by the factory. Note that legislation in different countries
and states can stipulate maximum speeds other than those given here.
pg. 38 Fuel requirements, Refueling
Unleaded Fuel
Each Volvo has a catalytic converter and must use only unleaded gasoline (as specified on the
instrument panel and by a label near the filler inlet). US and Canadian regulations require that pumps
delivering unleaded gasoline be labeled "UNLEADED". Only these pumps have nozzles which fit your
car's filler inlet. It is unlawful to dispense leaded fuel into a vehicle labeled "unleaded gasoline only".
Leaded gasoline damages the catalytic converter and the oxygen sensor system. Repeated use of leaded
gasoline will lessen the effectiveness of the emission control system and could result in loss of emission
warranty coverage. State and local vehicle inspection programs will make detection of misfueling easier,
possibly resulting in emission test failure for misfueled vehicles.
Octane Rating
Volvo engines require unleaded gasoline with an (R+M)/2 octane rating (also called the Anti-Knock
Index, or AKI) of 87 or higher. This is generally equivalent to a Research Octane Number (RON) of 91
or higher. For turbocharged engines, Volvo recommends the use of premium unleaded gasoline , with an
(R+M)/2 of 91 or higher, for improved performance and driveability at high altitudes and in hot
Gasoline Containing Alcohol
Some fuel suppliers sell gasoline containing alcohol without advertising the presence of alcohol. If you
are not sure whether there is alcohol in the gasoline you buy, check with the service station operator.
Blends of unleaded gasoline and ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol), sometimes called "gasohol", are
available in some areas. Gasohol, if used, must contain no more than 10 percent ethanol and must have
an (R+M)/2 rating of 87 or higher. If you experience problems with starting, driveability, or fuel
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