Axles and Wheels 259
Engaging the differential locks must always
be done in the following way (see page 104
for switch location):
1 Depress the clutch pedal. Wait for the
drive wheels to stop spinning
2 Engage the differential lock
3 Engage a suitable gear
4 Carefully release the clutch pedal
Do not drive on dry, paved surface with
the differential locks engaged. The vehi-
cle will strive to maintain a straight line.
Taking a curve with the differential locks
engaged may cause an accident, leading
to serious personal injury or death.
Under normal traction conditions, do not
engage the differential locks. If at all possi-
ble, do not use the differential locks while
taking a curve. With good traction and the
differential locks engaged, the vehicle will
be understeered and therefore will tend to
drive straight in a curve. When using locks
on good traction surface, drive cautiously
and do not exceed 25 mph (40 km/h). Dis-
engage the locks as soon as possible.
When the differential locks are disengaged,
the couplings may be under tension. Disen-
gage the locks by returning the switch to
the OFF position. Help with the disengage-
ment by briefly letting up on the accelerator
to relieve the torque on the couplings.
The telltales for the differential locks are in
the instrument cluster. See page 80 for
more information on the telltales.