4. Press the TAP switch to enter the mini-
mum position.
The BANK display shows
5. To set the maximum position, slowly
press the Volume pedal down. When it’s
down as far as it’ll go, take your hand
If you want to cancel the procedure at this
point, press the RECALL switch.
6. Press the TAP switch to enter the maxi-
mum position.
The BANK display shows
for one
second, after which the VC-12 is ready for
If for some reason the calibration process
didn’t work, and will appear alter-
nately on the BANK display and you
should repeat the procedure starting at
step #3.
Note: If the calibration process fails repeat-
edly, the VC-12 may be in need of repair and
you should contact your VOX dealer.
Selecting a Volume Pedal Curve
There are three Volume pedal response
curves for you to choose from. These deter-
mine the speed at which the volume changes
as the Volume pedal is operated, as shown
Pedal position
Curve #1: The volume changes slowly in the
upper range of the pedal’s travel; quickly in
the lower range.
Curve #2: With this standard curve, the
volume changes throughout the pedal’s
travel. This is the initial setting.
Curve #3: The volume changes quickly in the
upper range of the pedal’s travel; slowly in the
lower range.
Re-selecting the default curve
1. Turn off the connected device.
2. While holding down the VC-12’s BANK
UP switch and switch #1, #2, or #3, turn
on the connected device.
The number of the selected curve (C1, C2,
or C3) appears on the BANK display for
one second. Since the VC-12 remembers
which volume curve you select, there’s no
need to select it again the next time you
use your VC-12.
User Hint
The default curve (No. 2) is the standard
Audio Taper pot curve, as used in most
commercial volume pedals, and as such is
extremely useful for most purposes. By
selecting either of the other two curves you
can fine-tune the operation of the pedal to
what feels most comfortable to yourself. As
with most things in life, please feel free to
experiment, as only you know what suits
you best.