Alphabet Alley
Is alphabetizing right up your alley? In Alphabet Alley, test your knowledge of alphabetical
order. When you open the activity, you'll see a letter matrix-- it's sort of like a maze made
up of letters. Your goal is to find a path of letters from the entrance to the exit . The
trick is that the letters must be in the correct alphabetical order. Use the mouse, the
cursor pad or arrow keys to play. Moves can be horizontal or vertical. Press Help to
show the next right move.
This activity improves your vocabulary and ability to associate similar words. Three words
will swim into view. One by one they will auto-open. Use the mouse, cursor pad or arrow
keys to choose the one with the SAME meaning of the given word. Press Enter to confirm
your answer. Or you can type in the number 1, 2 or 3 to answer directly. Press Help and
one incorrect answer will be eliminated.
Word Search
Word Search lets you stretch your spelling ability. You'll see a letter matrix--a maze made
up of letters-- with 10 words hidden in it. You need to find all 10 words. Click on the letter
that starts the word you want to find. A bar will highlight the letter. Click or press Enter.
To highlight a vertical word, click the
icon at the bottom of the screen. To highlight a
horizontal word, click the
icon at the bottom of the screen. Use the arrow keys
at the bottom of the screen to scroll back and forth through the matrix. Press Help
to see one of the hidden words. Press Answer to see where all words are hidden.
Vowel Out
A...E...I...O...U! Vowel Out tests your knowledge of vowels. On the screen you'll see
three balls with letters hidden inside. One by one the letters will automatically be revealed.
Select the letter that's a vowel with the mouse, arrow keys or cursor pad. You can also
type the numbers 1, 2 or 3 or the letter keys to answer directly. Press Help to eliminate
one incorrect answer.
Odd One Out
Improve your vocabulary as you improve your categorization skills. On the screen, you'll
see three balls with words hidden inside. One by one the words will automatically be
revealed. Two of the words belong to the same category. One of the words doesn't fit.
Using the mouse, cursor pad or arrow keys, select the "odd" word. You can also type the
number keys 1, 2 or 3 to answer directly.
Type It!
Type It lets you practice your keyboarding. Letters will continuously pop onto the screen.
Type the letters as fast as you can. Try to keep up! In level 1, you'll only see lowercase
letters. In levels 2 and 3, you'll find a mixture of lowercase and capital letters!
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