F35425 (October 2005) Page 14 of 23
A yellow streaming flame on the burner is an indica-
tion of insufficient air. To correct this condition, open
the air shutter until the burner flame begins to lift
from the burner, then close the shutter slightly and
lock into place.
A gas regulator is mounted between the gas service
outlet and the appliance.
When servicing the equipment for possible gas
pressure problems, visually check that a regulator is
installed horizontal with the gas flow arrow pointing in
the direction of gas flow.
1. Turn on the range top burners.
2. Observe the burner flames.
A leak (vent) limiting device is installed in each
regulator to limit gas leakage if the regulator ruptures.
Do not obstruct the leak limiter (vent). Obstruction may
cause regulator malfunction or failure.
3. Connect the manometer to the pressure tap
provided between the regulator and range
supply piping.
4. Turn on two top burners and note manometer
reading. The reading should be 7.0" W.C. for
natural gas units and 11.0" W.C. for propane
gas units. If readings are lower, check incoming
gas line pressure.
NOTE: The line pressure should never drop below
5.0" W.C. for natural gas or 11.0" W.C. for propane gas.
The incoming line pressure must be correct for
proper range operation. If line pressure is incorrect
have the gas supply source checked and adjusted.
If line pressure is correct adjust the regulator as
5. With regulator reading 7.0" W.C. (natural gas)
or 11.0" W.C. (propane gas), turn on two top
6. Check regulator pressure reading. The reading
should be steady ± 0.10". If fluctuation in excess
of ±0.10" occurs replace the regulator.
NOTE: If pressure readings climb to limits shown in
step 4 with the burners OFF, check the leak (vent)
limit device for obstruction. Check the regulator for
leaks at the leak limiter vent. If vent is leaking,
replace the regulator.
NOTE: Before adjusting regulator, check incoming gas
line pressure. Incoming pressure must be 7.0" W.C.
for natural gas and 11.0" W.C. for propane gas. If
incoming pressure is not correct have the gas source
checked and adjusted as necessary. Make sure the
regulator is mounted in the horizontal position with the
arrow pointing in the direction of gas flow.
1. Connect manometer to the pressure tap
provided on the range gas piping between the
regulator and range.
2. Check manometer reading. The reading should
be 7.0" W.C. for natural gas and 11.0" W.C. for
propane gas.
3. If incoming line pressure is correct, adjust the
regulator. Remove the regulator closing nut.
4. Insert a flat edge screwdriver through the
top of the regulator. Turn the adjusting screw
clockwise to increase pressure and
counterclockwise to decrease pressure.
5. While watching the manometer, turn the
adjusting screw for proper regulator outlet
6. Install the regulator closing nut.