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CAUTION: All gas supply connections and any pipe joint compound used must be resistant to the action of
propane gases.
Each unit is factory-equipped with the type gas specified on the rating plate. The installation gas connection is a
/4" 14
FPT thread ANSI schedule #40 standard pipe.
Codes require that a gas shutoff valve be installed in the gas line ahead of the range.
Standard units are equipped with fixed burner orifices which coincide with the proper unit operation elevation. See Orifice
Size Requirements for Different Elevations on Page 12. NOTE: Do not attempt to drill out orifice sizes. Obtain proper
conversion kit from Vulcan-Hart depot.
Install the gas pressure regulator.
NOTE: Before installing, check regulator supplied against unit rating plate gas supply.
As of 7/11/90, the gas pressure regulator is NOT factory installed to this equipment. The regulator for this unit gas type
is sealed within a plastic bag attached to the oven rack inside the oven cavity. This regulator must be field installed by a
qualified installation/service representative. The installer must adhere to all installation and pressure testing codes
outlined in the Installation and Operation manual (supplied with the equipment), and local installation ordinances.
Natural gas regulators are preset for 3.7" W.C. Water Column (.92 k Pa); propane gas regulators for 10.0" W.C. (2.5 k Pa).
1. Locate
/4" gas connection pipe extending from rear of range.
2. Cover pipe threads with leak sealant.
3. Screw regulator hand-tight onto pipe with regulator arrow pointing towards range body back( see Fig. 7).
4. Using pipe wrench, tighten regulator securely in an upright position (see Fig. 7).
The arrow on the regulator shows the direction of the gas flow (Fig. 7). While connecting the range to the gas supply, the
pressure regulator must be mounted horizontally to ensure proper preset outlet pressure. If the regulator is reinstalled in
any other position, the outlet pressure must be reset (Fig. 8).
Fig. 8Fig. 7