
On May 1, 2003, VXI Technology, Inc. acquired Agilent Technology’s mechanical data acquisition product
segment. During the transition period, Agilent branded manuals will be provided with the dynamic and static data
acquisition products until the manuals have been rebranded. The following products are provided for in this manner.
Dynamic DAC Products
VTI Part Number Agilent Part Number Description
VT1432A E1432A 16-Channel 51.2 kSamples/s Digitizer Plus DPS
VT1433B E1433B 8-Channel 196 kSamples/s Digitizer Plus DPS
VT1434A E1434A 4-Channel 65 kSamples/s Arbitrary Source
VT3240A E3240A Voltage Input Breakout Box
VT3241A E3241A ICP/Voltage Input Breakout Box
VT3242A E3242A 4-Channel Charge/Voltage ICP Breakout Box
VT3243A E3243A 4-Channel Microphone/Voltage ICP Breakout Box
VT2216A N2216A VXI/SCSI Interface Module
Static DAC Products
VTI Part Number Agilent Part Number Description
VT1413C E1413C 64-Channels Muxed to 16 Bit, 100 kSamples/s A/D
VT1415A E1415A Algorithmic Closed Loop Controller
VT1419A E1419A Multi-Function Measurement and Control
VT1422A E1422A Remote Channel Multi-Function DAC Module
VT1501A E1501A Direct Input 8-Channel SCP
VT1502A E1502A Low Pass Filter Signal Conditioning Plug-On
VT1503A E1503A Gain/Filter SCP
VT1505A E1505A Current Source SCP
VT1506A E1506A 120 Strain Gauge SCP
VT1507A E1507A 350 Strain Gauge SCP
VT1508A E1508A 8-Channel Fixed x 16 Gain/Filer SCP
VT1509A E1509A 8-Channel Fixed x 64 Gain/Filter SCP
VT1510A E1510A 4-Channel Sample and Hold SCP
VT1511A E1511A 4-Channel Transient Strain SCP
VT1512A E1512A Low Pass Filter Signal Conditioning Plug-On
VT1513A E1513A Attenuator Input SCP
VT1518A E1518A Resistance Measurement SCP
VT1529B E1529B 32 Ch. Remote Strain Conditioning and Voltage
VT1531A E1531A 8-Channel Voltage Output Signal Conditioning
VT1532A E1532A 8-Channel Current Output Signal Conditioning
VT1533A E1533A 16-Bit Digital Input/Output Signal Conditioning
VT1536A E1536A Isolated 8-Bit Digital I/O Signal Conditioning
VT1538A E1538A Enhanced Frequency/Totalize/PWM Signal
VT1539A E1539A Remote Channel Signal Conditioning Plug-On
VT1563A E1563A 800 kSamples/s, 2-Channel Digitizer 14 Bits
VT1564A E1564A 800 kSamples/s, 4-Channel Digitizer 14 Bits
VT1586A E1586A Rack Mount Terminal Panel for 32 Channels
When rebranded manuals become available, they can be downloaded at: http://www.vxitech.com/download.asp.