Note: Some product configurations may include a pen without side switches.
Select the button function to
perform when pressing the upper
or lower side switch.
When you bring the pen tip within
5 mm (0.20 inch) of the pen display
screen surface without touching
the screen and press the upper or
lower side switch, the selected
function occurs.
: To make double-clicking
easier, set the side switch to
double-click automatically
by selecting D
Double-click here to change the function assigned to the pen tip.
• At least one pen button should be set to the C
LICK function.
• The tip must be set to C
LICK in order to draw in most graphics
You can change the S
fit the way you like to use the pen when making
right-clicks or other click functions.
To access the S
IDE SWITCH MODE settings, click
on the O
PTIONS... button at the bottom of the
control panel. In the O
PTIONS dialog box:
•Select H
OVER CLICK to perform click
functions without touching the pen tip to
the pen display screen surface.
• When C
LICK & TAP is selected, you must
press the side switch while touching the
pen tip to the pen display screen surface in
order to perform a click function. C
AP enables the precise placement of your
click functions, and is the default setting for
Tablet PCs.