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This interactive User’s Manual provides quick access to information about Intuos2. Just click on a
navigation button or highlighted word to move through the document. The information is common to both
serial and USB tablets, unless otherwise noted.
• The T
able of Contents enables you to go directly to a topic by clicking on it.
• Using Intuos2
introduces you to the many capabilities of your Intuos2 tablet, including a description of
the various tablet models, and the features and functions of each Intuos2 tool. This section also
includes exercises for new users.
• Customizing
describes how you can change the control panel settings to optimize Intuos2 tablets and
tools for your personal work style.
• Adv
anced Features allow further customization of your Intuos2 Professional Graphics Tablet.
Explore them after you have become familiar with using Intuos2 and the basic control panel settings.
• Ha
ving Trouble? Need troubleshooting guidelines? Do you have a question for Technical Support?
You will find the answers to most common questions here.
• The Appendices
include information on uninstalling and registering your tablet, product specifications,
license and warranty information, and a listing of replacement parts and accessories. There are tips
on working with AutoCAD. If you are using more than one tablet on your computer, you will find
instructions on adding and working with multiple tablets.
This manual does not contain information on installing your tablet. Please refer to your product
Quick Start Guide and to the automated software installer (located on the Wacom Tablet CD) for details on
installing your Wacom tablet.
If you are new to electronic documentation, be sure to read Na
vigating the Manual.