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Important Notice to Customers
This product contains copyrighted computer programs ("software") which are the inalienable intellectual property of WACOM
Europe GmbH ("WACOM"). This software is both integrated within the product and also contained on the accompanying data
carrier. The purchase of this product from your dealer does not include WACOM's software and the associated rights of usage.
WACOM grants you, the user, the right to use the software solely in accordance with the conditions of this software license
agreement. By purchasing this product you agree to the terms of this license.
Entitlement to Use the Software
WACOM grants the customer a personal, non-exclusive license to use the software solely in combination with this product and
for the proper operation of this product. This license may be transferred only in connection with this product.
The use of this software includes solely the permanent or temporary, complete or partial copying of the software by means of
loading, displaying, executing, transmitting or saving for the purpose of executing the commands and data it contains or of
observing, examining or testing the functions of the software.
The customer may not license, lease or loan the software to a third party, nor allow a third party to access the software in any
other way. The customer may not without prior written authorization from WACOM copy, modify, transmit or edit the software,
apart from the actions of copying necessary to create a backup copy and for the purposes outlined in section 2 above. The
customer may not decompile the software; if the software contains interfaces to software which is not supplied by WACOM,
WACOM shall make the necessary information available to the customer upon request, provided that the customer can prove
his/her entitlement to use the software and that he/she agrees to pay the copying and postage costs.