
* “Extended interface” mode: iPod nano G1 and iPod video will automatically
enter the “extended interface” mode when docked in the 170iTransport; the
Wadia logo will display on the iPod screen indicating digital audio output is now
available. While in the “extended interface” mode there is no control of the iPod
from the click wheel interface. If the user chooses (queues a selection) before
inserting the iPod into the 170iTransport, the 170iTransport will continue to play
the user’s selection until it is complete. If there was no previous selection by the
user, the 170iTransport will play the entire content of the iPod in the “All Tracks”
order. The 170iTransport will not manipulate the shuffle setting. Whatever
shuffle setting the user has chosen before connecting the iPod will be honored
by the 170iTransport.
Exiting “extended interface” mode: Depressing the remote mode button
will take the iPod out of “extended interface” mode enabling the Analog audio
outputs of the 170iTransport. Once out of the “extended interface” mode the
iPod standard menu is displayed on iPod screen.
Please note: The iPod video will not present video to the 170iTransport S-Video
output if the iPod is operating in “extended interface” mode. Depressing the
remote mode button will take the iPod video out of “extended interface” mode
enabling the S-Video and Analog audio outputs of the 170iTransport. Audio will
be available only through the Analog audio outputs.
To enter digital audio mode again, the iPod must be removed from
the iTransport dock, and then re-inserted to the iPod dock. This will
re-establish the “extended interface” mode, allowing digital audio output.