
AC 4600 Pro
EDITION 06/2012 PART NO. DOC394871
The guarantee period amounts to 36 months. For industrial use or equal wear, such as shift
operations in particular, or in the event of rentals it amounts to 12 months.
Systems driven by petrol or air are also guaranteed for a 12 month period.
The guarantee period begins with the day of delivery by the authorised specialist shop. The
date on the original purchase document is authoritative.
For all products bought in authorised specialist shops from 01.02.2009 the guarantee pe-
riod is extended to 24 months providing the buyer of these devices registers in accordance
with the following conditions within 4 weeks of the day of delivery by the authorised spe-
cialist shop. Registration can be completed on the Internet under
www.wagner-group.com/profi -guarantee.
The guarantee certifi cate is valid as confi rmation, as is the original purchase document that
carries the date of the purchase. Registration is only possible if the buyer is in agreement
with having the data being stored that is entered during registration.
When services are carried out under guarantee the guarantee period for the product is
neither extended nor renewed.
Once the guarantee period has expired, claims made against the guarantee or from the
guarantee can no longer be enforced.
All Wagner professional colour application devices (hereafter referred to as products) are
carefully inspected, tested and are subject to strict checks under Wagner quality assurance.
Wagner exclusively issues extended guarantees to commercial or professional users (here-
after referred to as „customer“) who have purchased the product in an authorised special-
ist shop, and which relate to the products listed for that customer on the Internet under
www.wagner-group.com/profi -guarantee.
The buyer‘s claim for liability for defects from the purchase agreement with the seller as
well as statutory rights are not impaired by this guarantee.
We provide a guarantee in that we decide whether to replace or repair the product or
individual parts, or take the device back and reimburse the purchase price. The costs for
materials and working hours are our responsibility. Replaced products or parts become
our property.
If defects can be seen in the materials, processing or performance of the device during the
guarantee period, guarantee claims must be made immediately, or at the latest within a
period of 2 weeks.
The authorised specialist shop that delivered the device is entitled to accept guarantee
claims. Guarantee claims may also be made to the service centres named in our operating
instructions. The product has to be sent without charge or presented together with the
original purchase document that includes details of the purchase date and the name of
the product. In order to claim for an extension to the guarantee, the guarantee certifi cate
must be included.
The costs as well as the risk of loss or damage to the product in transit or by the centre that
accepts the guarantee claims or who delivers the repaired product, are the responsibility
of the customer.