Coating Materials Not Suitable for Use
Materials that contain highly abrasive components, facade paint, caustic solutions and
acidic coating substances. Materials with a ash point below 21°C.
Preparation of the workplace (for interior wall paint)
Cover all surfaces and objects that should not be sprayed, or remove
them from the work area.
Silicate paint corrodes glass and ceramic surfaces upon contact! All
such surfaces must therefore be completely covered.
Preparation of the Coating Material
a) For low-viscosity coating substances
The enclosed spray attachment can be used to spray paints, varnishes and glazes that are
undiluted or slightly diluted. Detailed information is available in the technical data sheet
of the manufacturer ( Internet download).
1. Stir the material up and put the required amount into the paint container.
Thinning recommendation
Sprayed material
Glazes undiluted
Wood preservatives, mordants, oils,
disinfection agents, plant protective agents
Paints containing solvents and water-soluble
paints, primers, vehicle coating paints,
thick-lm glazes
dilute by 5 - 10%
2. If the convey capacity is too low, add 5 - 10% dilution step-by-step until the convey
capacity fulls your requirements.
b) For interior wall paint
Spray material that is at least at room temperature (e.g. diluted with warm
water) provides a better spray result.
Attention! Do not heat spray material above 40°C.
Interior wall paints can be sprayed undiluted or slightly diluted with the spray attachment
provided. Detailed information is available in the technical data sheet of the manufacturer
( Internet Download).
Stir the material thoroughly and dilute it in the container as per the recommended
dilution (an agitator is recommended for stirring).