• ½ carrot juice with ½ apple juice
• ¾ carrot juice with ¼ cabbage juice
/3 celery juice with
/3 apple juice
• 5 oz. carrot juice with 2 oz. cucumber juice and 1 oz.
beet juice
• 4 oz. carrot juice with 3 oz. celery juice and 1 oz.
parsley juice (or any leafy green juice)
• 6 oz. apple juice with 8 oz. carrot juice and 2 oz.
spinach juice
• 2 oz. carrot juice with 4 oz. apple juice and 2 oz.
cabbage juice
• 7 oz. celery juice with 1 oz. lemon juice
With the Waring Pro
Juice Extractor, nothing is wasted.
The leftover pulp may be used for flavoring in soups,
casseroles, breads, cakes, salads, and Jello molds.
Many people also use the pulp as compost for gardens,
shrubbery, flowers and plants.
An optional citrus juicer attachment is available to enable
you to easily juice citrus fruits with your Waring Pro
Juice Extractor. (The citrus attachment is included with
the Waring Pro
Juicing Center model PJC44.)
• Before using the citrus juicer attachment, remove
cover, clutch, cutter blade, and strainer basket from
the juice extractor. These parts are not used with the
citrus juicer attachment.
• Following Figure 4, place citrus juicer attachment on
juice extractor bowl with drain spout to the left of
center front, and turn the Attachment counterclock-
wise to secure beneath spring clips. The drain spout