8.20 WATLOW Series 988 User’s Manual
General Software Features, Chapter 8
General Software
Output 3 is used for the retransmit option. Choose either a milliamp (98_
_-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _) or a voltage (98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) signal. Select the output
range in the Output Menu.
The retransmit feature can be used to transmit an analog signal repre-
senting the value of either input process variable or the target set point
variable. The retransmit signal is factory configured as either a milliamp
(98_ _-_ _ _ _-M_ _ _) or a voltage (98_ _-_ _ _ _-N_ _ _) signal. In choosing
the type of retransmit signal the operator must take into account the
input impedance of the device to be retransmitted to and the required sig-
nal type, either voltage or milliamps.
Typically applications might use the retransmit option to record one of the
variables with a chart recorder or to generate a set point for other controls
in a multi-zone application (see page 8.19).
Enhanced software
is not required for
this feature.
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