
Low Level Threshold Master
Moves all Low Level Threshold faders by the same value, relative to each of their current
0 to ±30 dB
Link Mode Selector
The Link Mode Selector allows the selection of one of five link modes. Each Link Mode
determines which channels are linked, both in the interface controls and with regard to
the dynamic detector sidechain and compression.
Link Mode selection affects the colors of both low and high level compression threshold
and gain controls, which provides per channel indication of link status.
All Linked
5 Linked | Sub
Front | Rear | Sub
Center | Quad | Sub
Center | Front LR | Rear (LFE Is Bypassed)
Cut (Attenuation) / Boost Meters
Display the amount of gain cut and/or boost for each of the 3 possible Link groups.
Attenuation is displayed from the top down.
Boost is displayed from the bottom up.
Each of the 3 meters (yellow, red, blue) corresponds to a Link Group, which are
indicated in the text box located below the meters.
Numeric indicators which display the maximum attenuation are located above the
meters; maximum gain is displayed below the meters. Reset these values by clicking
anywhere on the meter.
The meters display up to -30dB of attenuation, and +30 dB of gain boost.
MV360˚ User Manual 10