
PAZ Plug-in Manual
On most host applications and platforms you can select just the meter you need. In the case of the PAZ, no DSP
savings are accomplished, but graphic speed is increased by using smaller component plug-ins. The PAZ has several
plug-in components in the menu. They are all mono and stereo compatible and do not change the audio at all, as
they are fully bit-transparent (24bit fixed point or 32bit floating point clean).
Here are the current components as of this printing. New ones might be added in future updates, and will be noted
in the plug-in Read Me files. Some examples for each component are listed:
PAZ-Analyzer — This is the full plug-in with all 3 measurement functions (Frequency, Stereo Position, and
Level); it has the biggest demand on the computer’s graphic power.
PAZ-Position — Shows only the Stereo Position Display with the controls related to it.
PA Z -F re qu en c y — This shows only the real-time frequency analysis with related controls.
PA Z -M e t e rs — Shows only the meters for Left, Right, and Sum. The Sum meter can be selected for Peak or
RMS display.
Chapter 2 - PAZ component plugs