exploded view list
Parts can be ordered directly from Weber-Stephen Products Company by phone
or mail.
Note - Do not return parts to Weber-Stephen Products Co. without first contact-
ing the Customer Service Center by phone or mail. Returning the part may not be
1. Lid Assembly
2. 22 Inch Hinged Cooking Grate
3. Charcoal Dividers
4. Charcoal Grate
5. Lid Holder Support Strap
6. 1/4-20 x 5/8 Inch Truss Head Screw
7. Lid Holder Lower Support
8. 1/4 Inch Aluminum Washer
9. 1/4-20 Hex Keps Nut
10. Lid Holder Wire
11. Lid Roller
12. Bowl
13. H-Washer
14. Control Rod
15. Ash Catcher Ring Assembly
16. Ash Catcher Handle
17. Ash Catcher
18. Axle
19. Leg Frame Bracket
20. Wheel
21. Wheel Hub Cap
22. Igniter Wire Stay
23. Front Panel
24. Igniter
25. Tool Holders
26. Gas Control Cover
27. #8-18 x 5/8 Inch Screw
28. Nylon Lid Handle (top)
29. Nylon Lid Handle (bottom)
30. Thermometer Mount Assembly
31. Thermometer
32. 1/4-20 x 5/8 Inch Truss Head Screw
33. Nylon Damper Handle
34. Lid Damper
35. 1/4 Inch Aluminum Washer
36. 1/4-20 Acorn Nut
37. H-Drive
38. Damper Blades
39. 1/4-20 x 1 1/4 Inch Truss Head Screw
40. 1/4 Inch Nylon Washers
41. Thermoset Table
42. Burner Assembly
43. Orifice Clip
44. Hose and Regulator Assembly
45. Back Panel
46. Frame Leg
47. CharBin
48. CharBin
Retention Chain
49. CharBin
50. Caster Inserts
51. Casters
52. Leg Frame Bracket Clamp
53. Bottom Rack
54. Matchlight Holder
m WARNING: Use only Weber
factory authorized parts.
The use of any part that is not factory authorized can be
dangerous. This will also void your warranty.
General instruCtions
• TheseinstructionswillgiveyoutheminimumrequirementsforassemblingyourWeber
gas barbecue. Please read the instructions carefully before using your Weber
barbecue. Improper assembly can be dangerous.
• Notforusebychildren.
• Theinstallationmustconformwithlocalcodesor,intheabsenceoflocalcodes,withtheNationalFuelGasCode,ANSIZ223.1/NFPA54,StorageandHandlingofLiquefied
Petroleum Gases, ANSI/NFPA 58; or CSA B149.1, Natural Gas and Propane Installation Code.
• ThepressureregulatorsuppliedwiththeWeber
gas barbecue must be used. This regulator is set for 10.5 inches of water column (pressure).
• ThisWeber
gas barbecue is designed for use with liquid propane (LP) gas only. Do not use with natural (piped in city) gas. The valves, orifices, hose and regulator are for LP
gas only.
• Donotusewithcharcoalfuel.
• Thisapplianceisnotintendedforcommercialuse.
• Checkthattheareaunderthecontrolpanelandthebottomtrayarefreefromdebristhatmightobstructtheflowofcombustionorventilationair.
• TheareasaroundtheLPcylindermustbefreeandclearfromdebris.
• Replacementpressureregulatorsandhoseassembliesmustbethosespecifiedbytheoutdoorcookinggasappliancemanufacturer.
• Place dust caps on cylinder valve outlets when cylinder is not in use.
m NEVER store a spare LP Cylinder under or near this barbecue.
Your Weber
gas grill is equipped for a cylinder supply system designed for vapor withdrawal.
• TheLP-gassupplycylindertobeusedmustbeconstructedandmarkedinaccordancewiththespecificationsforLP-gascylindersoftheU.S.DepartmentofTransportation
(D.O.T.) or the National Standard of Canada, CAN/CSA-B339, Cylinders, Spheres and Tubes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods.