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nia(Public Resources Codes 4442 and 4443),
Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ore-
gon, and Washington: Certain internal com-
bustion engines operated on forest, brush,
and/or grass covered land in the above areas
are required to beequipped with aspark arres-
tor, maintained in effective working order, or
the engine must be constructed, equipped,
and maintained for the prevention of fire.
Check with your state or local authorities for
regulations pertaining to these requirements.
Failure to follow these requirements is a viola-
tion of the law. This unit is not factory equipped
with a spark arrestor; however, a spark arres-
tor is available asan opt ional part. Ifa sparkar-
restor is required in your area, contact an Au-
thorized Service Dealer for the correct kit. The
spark arrestor, blower tubes, and nozzles
must be assembled to unit to be in full com-
pliance with regulations.
Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders orabnor-
mal swelling. Prolonged use in cold weather
has beenlinked toblood vessel damage inoth-
erwise healthy people. If symptoms occur
such as numbness, pain, loss of strength,
change in skin color or texture, or loss of feel-
ing in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue
the use of this tool and seek medical attention.
An anti- vibration system does not guarantee
the avoidance of these problems. Users w ho
operate power tools on acontinual and regular
basis must monitor closely their physical con-
dition and the condition of this tool.
NOTE: It is normal for the fuel filter to
rattle in the empty fuel tank.
If received assembled,
repeat all steps to ensure your unit is
properly assembled and all fasteners are
No tools are required for assembly.
Push the blower tube into the blower outlet
until it snaps into place.
Blower Tube
Blower Outlet
Operate pow er equipment only a t reasonable
hours--not ear ly in the m or ning or late at night
when people m ight be di sturbed. Comply with
times listed i n local or dinances. Usual recom-
mendations ar e 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.,
Monday though Satur day.
To reduce noise levels, limit the number of
pieces of equipment used at any one time.
To reduce noise levels, operate power blow-
ersatthelowest possible throttle speed todo
the job.
Use rakes and brooms to loosen debris be-
fore blowing.
In dusty conditions, slightly dampen sur-
faces when water is available.
Conserve w ater by using power blower s
insteadof hosesformanylawnand garden ap -
plications, including areas such as gutters,
screens, patios, grills, porches, and gardens.
Use the full blower nozzle extension so the
air stream can work close to the ground.
After using blowers and other equipment,
CLEAN UP! Dispose of debris in trash re-
Be sure to read the fuel
information in the safety rules before you
begin. If you do not understand the safety
rules, do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call
This engine is certified to operate on unleaded
gasoline. Gasoline must be mixed with a good
quality 2-cycle air-cooled engine oil designed to
be mixed at a ratio of 40:1. Poulan/W eed Eater
brand oil is recomm ended. (A 40:1 ratio is ob-
tained by m ixing 3.2 ouncesof oil w ith 1gallon of
unleaded gasoline) . W hen mixing fuel follow the
instructions pr intedon t hecontainer.Alwaysread
and f ollowthe safetyrules underFUEL SAFETY.
Fuel stab ilize r is an acc ep tab le a lternativ e in
minimizing the formation of fuel gum deposits
during storage. Poulan/Weed Eater br and oil is
already blended w ith fuel s tabilizer.