When using electr i c gardeni ng appli ances, basic saf ety pr ecauti ons should alw ays be fol-
lowed to reduce the risk of fir e, electr i c shock, and seri ous inj ury. The warnings and saf et y
instructions in this manual must be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, or injury ,
and t o pr ovi de reasonable s af etyand efficiencyin usi ngthisunit.The oper at oris r esponsible
for f ol l owi ng t he war nings and instruct ions in t his manual and on the uni t . R ead the enti r e
instr ucti on manual before assembling and using the unit! Restrictthe use of t hi s unit to per-
sons w ho read, understand, and fol low the warni ngs and inst r ucti ons in this manual and on
the unit. Never allow children to use this unit. Do not allow the unit to be used as a toy .Close
attent i on is necessary when used near chil dr en. Al ways disconnect unit f r om powersource
beforeservicing,cleaning,perf or mi ngmaintenance, orstor i ng.Nonconfor mi ngreplacement
components or the removal of safety devices may cause damage t o t he unit and possibl e
injur y t o the oper at oror bystanders.Use only accessor iesand r eplacementparts as r ecom-
mended. Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
D Al wayswear saf et yglasses orsimilareye
protect i on when oper at i ng, ser vici ng, or
per forming maintenan ce on your uni t.
W eari ng e ye pr ot ecti on can help to pr e-
vent rocks or debr i s f rom b eing bl own or
ri co cheti ng into eyes a nd face whi ch can
result in blindness or serious injury .
D Al ways wear a respirator or face mask
when working with the unit in dusty envi-
ro nm en ts.
D Dr ess safely in long pants. Do not go
barefoot or wear short pant s or sandals.
D Do not operate the unit when you are
tired, ill,upset, orif you are under the influ-
ence of alcohol, drugs, o r m edi cati on.
D Securehairso i ti sabove shoulderl ength.
Keep loose hair, loose clothi ng, f i ngers,
and all other part s of the body a way from
openings and m oving parts. Hai r, j ewel r y,
loose clothi ng, or clot hi ng wi t h loosely
hanging st r aps, ties, tassels, e t c. , can be
caught in moving part s.
Avoi d a danger ous envir onment.Toreduce
the ri sk of electri cal shock, do not use in
rain, in damp or wet l ocati ons, or around
swimmi ng pools, hot t ubs, et c. Do not ex-
pose to snow, rain , or water to avoid the
possibility of electrical shock. Do not use on
wetsurface s.Do nothandle e xtensioncord
plug or uni t wit h w et hands. A void danger-
ous situati ons. D o not use i n t he presence
of fl ammable liquids or gases t o avoid
creati ng a f i r e or explosion and/or causing
damage to unit . D o not abuse cor d. Nev er
carry th e uni tby the ext en sioncord or y ank
extension cor d to disconnect unit . To un-
plug, grasp the plug, not the cord. Do not
use cord as a handl e,close adoor on cord,
orpullcord aroundsharp e dges orcorne rs.
Tur n of f all contr ols before unplugging. Do
not expose cor ds t o heat , o il , o r w ater. D o
notuse withdamaged cord o rplu g.If u nitis
notworkingas itshould,has been dropped,
damaged, lef t out door s, or dropped into
water , return it to your authorized service
dealer for r epai r. Unplug the unit fr om the
power source whennotin use, befor eserv-
icing,cleaning,performing maint en a nce,or
stori ng.Donot putanyobjectintoopenings.
Do no tuse wi thany openi ng blocked;keep
free of dust, li n t, ha ir and anything th at may
reduce air f l ow.
D Use only a voltage supp ly as shown on the
nameplate of the unit .
D A voi d dangerous environment s. Do not
use i nunventil atedareasorwheredustor
expl os ive vap ors c an bui ld up .
S To redu ce t he r i s k of el e ct ri c al shock, t his
equipment has a polari zed plug (one
blade is wider than the ot her ) and will re-
quire the use of a polari zed extension
cord. The appliance plug will fit into a po-
lar izedextension cor donly oneway.Ifthe
plug does not fi t full y into the extension
cord, reverse the plug. If the plug still
does notfit,obtain a correct polar i zed ex-
tension cord. A polarized extension c or d
willrequir e t he useof apolari zed wallout-
let. This plug will fit into the polarized wall
out letonlyoneway. Ifplug d oe snotfitful-
ly into the wall outlet, reverse the plug. Ifit
still does not fit, contact a qualified electri-
cianto i nst al ltheproperwalloutlet .Donot