When using electr i c gardeni ng appli ances, basic saf ety pr ecauti ons should al ways be
followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock, and serious injury. The warnings and
safety instructions in this manual must be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric
shock, or injury , and to provide reasonable safety and efficiency in using this unit. The
operator is responsibl e f or foll owi ng t he warni ngs and instr ucti ons i n thi s m anual and on
the unit . Read t he enti r e instructi on manual bef ore assembli ng and using the unit ! Re-
str ict t he use of this unit to persons who read, understand, and f ol l ow the warnings and
instructions in this manual and on the unit. Never allow children to use this unit. Do not
allow the uni t to b e us ed as a toy. Close at t enti on is necessary whenused nearchildren.
Always disconnect unit fr om power source before servicing, cleani ng, perf or mi ng main-
tenance, or s tor i ng. Non confor mi ng r eplacement components or the r emoval of safety
devices m aycause damage tothe uni tand possibleinjuryto theoperatororbystanders.
Use onl y accessories and replacement par t s as recommended. Use only for jobs ex-
plained i n t hi s manual.
S Alwa ys wear safet y gl asses or simi l ar
ing, or perf or mi ng maint enance on your
uni t. Wear ingeye protecti oncan h elpto
prevent r ocks or debris from being
blown o r ri cocheting into eyes and f ace
which can result in blindness or serious
S Always wear a respirator or face mask
when working withthe unit in dustyenvi-
S Dress safely in long pants. Do not go
barefootor wearshortpants or sandals.
S Do not operate t he unit when you ar e
tired, ill, upset, or if you are under the in-
fl uence ofalcohol,drugs, or medi cat i on.
S Secure hair so it is above shoulder
length. Keep loose hair, loose clothing,
fi ngers, and al l other parts of the body
away from openi n gs and moving parts.
Hair, jewelry, loose clothing, or clothi ng
wit h loosely hanging st r aps, t ies, tas-
sels, etc., can be caught in movin g
Avoi d a dangerous envi r onment. To r e-
duce the ri sk of electr ical shock, do not
use in rain, in damp or wet l ocati ons, or
arou nd swimmi ng pools, h ot tu bs, etc . Do
not expose t o snow,rain,orwater t oavoid
the possibility of electrical shock. Do not
use onwetsurfaces.Donothandleext en-
sion cor d plug or unit with wet hands.
Avoi d danger ous sit uat i ons. Do not use i n
the presence of flammable liquids or
gases to av oi d creati ng a fi r e orexplosion
and/or c ausing damage to unit . Do not
abuse cor d.Nevercarryt heunitbytheex-
tensioncordor yankextensioncordtodis-
connect unit . To unplug, grasp the pl ug,
not t he cor d.Do not use cor d asa handle,
close a door on cord, or pul l cord around
sharp edges or corner s. Turn of f all con-
tr ol s bef or e u nplugging. Do not expose
cords t o heat ,oil ,orwater.Do notuse wi t h
damaged cord or plug. If unit is not work-
ing a s it s hould, has been dropped, dam-
aged, left out door s, ordr opped into wat er,
return it to your authorized service dealer
for repair. Unplug t he unit fr om t he power
source when not i n use, before servi cing,
cleaning, per f or mi ng mai ntenance, or
stor ing. Do not put any object into open-
ings. Do not use with any opening
blo cked ; keep free of du st, lint , hair and
anything t hat m ay reduce ai r fl ow.
S Use only a volt age s upply as shown on
the nameplate of the unit.
S Avoi d danger ous envir onment s. Do not
use in unventila ted ar e as or where dust
or explosive vapors can bui l d up.
To reduce t he risk of e lectrical shock, t his
unit h as a p olarized plug (one blade is
wider than the other) and will require the
use of a pola rized extension c ord. The
appliance plug will fit into a po larized ex-
tension cord only one way. If the plug
does not fit fully into the extension cord,
reverse the plug. If th e plug still does not
fit, obtain a c orrect polarized extension
cord. A polarized extension cord will re-
quire the use of a polarized wall outle t.
This plugwill fitinto thepolarized wallout-