size to be used depending on the cord
length is shown in this manual. See
in the AS-
S Do not use multiple cords.
S Keep the extension cord clear of operator
and obsta cles at all times.
S Tie cord to cord retainer and conne ct to
recessed plug as shown in this m anual to
prevent damage to unit a nd/or extension
extensio n c ord disconnecti ng from the
unit during operation.
S Do notattempt to repair uni t. Inspectthe
insulation and connectors on the unit
and extension cord before each use. If
there is any damage, do not use until
damage is repaired b y your authorized
service dealer.
S Do not use the unit if the switch does not
turn the unit on and off properly. Ha ve the
unit repaire d by your authorized service
S Avoid accidental sta rting. Be sure t he
switch is in the
OFF positi on and keep
your h and a nd f ingers a way from t he
switch while connecting the unit to the
power source or w hen carryinga unit co n-
nected to th e power source.
S Avoid any body contact with any
grounded con ductor, such as metal
fences, or pipes, to avoid the possibility of
electric shoc k.
S Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection should be provide d on the cir-
cuit or outlet to be used for this unit. Re-
ceptacles are available having built -in
GFCI protection and may b e used for this
measure of safety.
S Stop the motor immediately if you are ap-
This unit is double insulated to help pro-
tect against electri c sho ck. Double insula-
tion constr uct i on c onsists of t wo separate
“l ayers” of el ectr i cal insulati on instead of
grounding. Tools and appliances builtwith
a double insulati on s ystem are not in-
tended t o be g r ounded. No g r ounding
means is p r ovided on this unit, nor should
a means of grounding be added to this
unit. As a result, the extension cord used
wit h your unit can be plugged into any
stan dard 120 vol t el e ctrical outle t. Saf ety
precauti ons must be observed when op-
erati ng any electrical tool . T he double i n-
sulati on system only provides added pro-
tect ion against injury resulting from an
intern al el ectrical insulation failure .
All ele ctr i cal repair s to this unit, including
housing, switch, motor, etc.,must be diag-
nosed and repaired by an aut hori zed ser-
vice dealer. R eplacement p ar t s for a
double i nsulat ed appli ance must be iden-
tical t o t he par ts they re place. A double in-
sula ted appliance i s m arke d with the
The sym bo l (squar e within a
may also be marked on t he ap-
pliance. Failure to have the unit repaired
by a n authorized service dealer can
cause the double insulat i on construction
to become inef f ecti ve and result in seri ous
injur y.
S Do not set the unit on any surface except
a clean, hard area while the unit is run-
ning. Debris such as gravel, sand, dust,
grass, etc., c ould be picked up by the air
intake and thrown out through the dis-
charge opening, damaging the unit, prop-
erty, or causing ser ious injury to bystand-
ers or operator.
S Do not overreach or use from unstable
surfaces such as ladders, trees, steep
slopes, r oof tops, etc. Use extra c are
when cleanin g on stairways. Ke ep firm
footing and balance at all times. Keep
hands out of tube s.
S Inspect the entire unit before each use for
worn, loose, missing, or damaged parts.
Do not use until the unit is in proper work-
ing order.
S This unit is double insu lated. See the
section. Have all internal service per-
formed by qualified service repair person-
nel to avoid creating a hazard or voiding
your warranty.
S Have all maintenance other than t he rec-
ommended procedures described in the
instruction manual performed by your au-
thorized service dealer.
S Always see y our authorized service deal-
er t o replace a damaged impeller. Parts
that are chipped, cracked, broken, or
damaged in any other way can fly apart
and cause serious injury. Replace dam-
aged parts befo re using the unit.
S Never place any object in the air in take
opening as this could restrict proper air
flow and cause damag e to the unit.
S Never douse the unit with water or other
liquids or sq uirt with a water hose. Clean
the unit using a d amp cloth . Wipe off with
a clean dry cloth. See
S Check air intake openings and tubes fre-
quently, a lways with the unit stopped and