-- 5 --
The throttle lever is used to select the desired
engine speed and to stop the engine. To stop
engine, move the throttle lever to the STOP
ThePRIMERBULBremoves airf romthecar-
buretor and fuel lines and fills them with fuel.
This allows you tostart the enginewith fewe r
pulls on the starter rope. Activate the primer
bulb by pressing it and allowing it to return to
its original form.
toaidin coldstarting. TheCHOKE OFFposi-
tion is used for full speed operation. The 1/2
position isusedforabrief init ialwarm-upperi-
od and to set the engine at idle speed.
S To reduce the risk of hearing loss
associated with sound level(s), hearing
protection is required.
S Operate power equipment only at r easonable
hours--not early in the mor ning or late at night
when peoplemight bedisturbed. C omply with
times listed i n local ordinances. Usual recom-
mendations are 9:00 a.m. t o 5:00 p.m.,
Monday though Saturday.
S To reduce noise levels, operate power
blowers a t the lowest possible throttle
speed to do the job.
S To reduce noise levels, limit the number of
pieces of equipment used at any one ti m e.
S Userakes andbrooms toloosen debrisbe-
fore blowing.
S In dus ty conditions, slightly dam pen sur-
faces when water is available.
S Conserve water by using power blowers
instead of hoses for many lawn and garden
applications, including areas such as gutters,
screens, patios, grills, porches, and gardens.
S Watchoutforchildren,pets,openwindows,
or freshly washed cars. Blow debris away
S Usethefull blow ertubeextensionsotheair
stream can work close to the ground.
S After using blowers and other equipment,
CLEAN UP! Dispose of debris in trash re-
WARNING: Be sure to read the fuel
information in the safety rules before you
begin. If y ou do not understand the safety
rules, do not attempt to fuel your unit. Call
WARNING: Remove fuel cap slowly
when refueling.
Toobtain thecorrect oilmix
ratio, pour 3.2 ounces of
2--cycle synthetic oil into
one gallon of fresh gas.
This engine is certified to operate on un-
leaded gasoline. Before operation, gasoline
must be m ixed with a g ood quality synthetic
2-cycle air-cooled engine oil desi gne d to be
mixed at a ratio of 40:1. Poulan/WEED EA TER
brandsynth eti coil is reco mm ended.Mix gaso-
line and oil at a rat io of40 :1. A 40 :1 ratio is ob-
tained by mixing 3.2 fluid ounces (95 ml) of oil
with 1 g all on(4 liters) ofunleadedgasoline. DO
NOT USE automotive oil or boat oil. These oils
will cause engine damage. When mixing fuel,
follow instructions printed on container . Once oil
is added to gasoline, shake container momen-
tarily to a ssure that the fuel i s thoroughly m ixed.
Always read and follow the safety rules relating
to f uel before fueling your unit.
CAUTION: Never use straight gasoline in
your unit. This will cause permanent engine
damage and void the limited warranty.
This engine requires the use of minimum 87
octane [R+M]/2 clean gasoline.
Use of alcohol blended fuels (called gasohol or
usingethanol o r met hanol) can cause majoren-
gine performance and durability problems.
WARNING: Alternative fuels (not
gasoline) such as E--15 (15% al cohol), E--20
(20% alcohol), E--85 (85% al cohol) are NOT
classified as gasoline and are N OT approved
for use in 2--stroke gasoline engines. Use of
alternative fuels will cause problems such as:
improper clutch engagements, overheating,
vapor lock, power loss, lubrication deficiency ,
deterioration of fuel lines, gaskets and internal
carburetor components, etc. Alternative fuels
cause high moisture absorption into the fuel/oil
mixture le adi ng to oil and fuel separation.
D To stop the engine, move the throttle lever
to the STOP position.
WARNING: You MUST make sure
the tube is secure before using the unit.
D Fuel engine. Move at least 10 feet (3 me-
ters) away from the fueling site.
D Hold the unit in the starting position as
shown. Make sure the blower end is di-
rected away from people, animals, glass,
and solid objects.