electrical rating not less than the rating
of unit. Cord must be marked with suf-
fix “W--A” (in Canada “W”). Make sure
your extension cord is in good con di-
tion. Inspect extensioncord beforeuse
and replace if damaged. Do not use a
damaged c ord. Cord insulation must
be intact with no c racks or deteriora-
tion. Plug connectorsmust be undam-
aged. An undersized extension cord
will cause a drop in line voltage result-
ing in loss of power andoverheating. If
in doubt, us e the next heavier gauge.
The lower the gauge number, the
heavier the cord (see
). Do not use multiple
S Donotabuse cord. Nevercarry theunit
by the extension c ord or yank exten-
sion cord to disconnect unit.
S Use cord retainer to prevent discon-
nection of extension cord from unit.
in the OPERATION sec-
S Do not use the unit if the switch does
notturntheuniton andoffproperly.Re-
pairs to the switch must b e made by
your authorized service dealer.
S Keep the extension cord clear of oper-
ator and obstacles at all times. Do not
expose c ords to heat, oil, water, or
sharp edges.
S To av oid the po ssibility of electric
shock, avoid body contact with any
grounded conductor, such as metal
fences or pipes.
S Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter(GFCI)
protection should be provided on cir-
cuit or outlet to be us ed. Receptacles
are available having built-in GFCI
protection and may be used for this
measure of safety.
S Inspect unit before use. Replace dam-
aged parts. Make sure all handles,
guards, and fasteners are in place and
securely fastened. Parts that are dam-
aged must be repaired or replaced by
an authorized service dealer. This in-
cludes head p arts that are cracked, or
chipped, guards, and an y other part
that is damaged.
S Do not repair unit yourself.
S Use only 0.065” (1.65 mm) diameter
recommended trimmerline(see
). Never use wire, rope, string,
S Use specified trimmer spool. Make
sure spool is properly installed and all
parts are securely fastened.
S U se only r e com m end ed WE ED EATE R
repl acement parts and access or i es.
S Inspectarea tobe cut.Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails,wire,string,
etc.) which can be thrown or become
entangled in cutting head .
S Do not overreach or stand on unstable
support. Keep fir m f ooti ng and balance.
S Keep the cutting head below waist lev-
el. Do not raise handles above y our
waist. Cutting head can come danger-
ously close to your body.
S Keepaway from cuttinghead ands pin-
ning line.
S Use unit properly. Use only for trim-
ming, edging, and mowing. Do not
force unit; it will do the job better and
with less risk of injury at the rate for
which it was designed.
S Use only in daylight or in good artificial
WARNING: Disconnect unit from
the power supply before performing
maintenance, orwhen changing trimmer
S Maintain unit a ccording to recom-
mended procedures. Keep cutting line
at properlength.Follow instructions for
changing trimmer line.
S Have all service and maintenance not
explained in this manual performed by
an authorized service dealer to avoid
creating a hazard.
S Never douse or squir t t he unit with wat er
or any ot her li quid. Cl ean unit a nd labels
wit h a damp sponge. Keep handles dry,
clean, and free fr om oil and grease.
S Keep the air vents clean and free from
debris to avoid overheating the motor.
Clean a fter each use.
S Stop the unitand disconnect the power
source when not in us e.
S Carry the unit with motor stopped.
S Store the unit so that the line limiter
blade (on underside of shield) cannot
cause injury.
S Store unit indoors in a high, dry place
out of the reach of ch ildren. Store unit
This unit is double insulated to help pro-
tect against electric shock. Double in-
sulation construction consists of two
separate “layers” of electrical insulation
instead of grounding.