WARNING: Alwaysweareyeprotec-
tion. Never lean over the trimmer head.
Rocksor debr isca nricochet orbe thr owninto
eyes and face and cause blindness or other
serious injury.
When operating unit, stand as shown and
check for the following:
S Wear eye protection and heavy clothing.
S Hold trigger handle with right hand and as-
sist handle with left hand.
S Keep unit below waist level.
S Cut only fr om your right to your left to en-
suredebris is thrown away from you. With-
out bending over , keep line near andparal-
lel to the ground and not crowded into
material being cut.
Advance line by tapping bottom of cutting
headlightly onthegroundwhileunit isrunning
at full speed. A m etal line limiter blade at-
tached to the shield will cut the line to the
proper length.
WARNING: Use only 0.065 in ch (1 .65
mm) d iameter l ine. O ther sizes of linewill not a d-
vance p roperly and will r esult in impr oper cutting
head function or can cause serious injury. Do
not use other materials such as wire, string ,
rope, etc. Wire can break off during cut ting and
become a dan gerous m issile th at c an causese-
rious injury . See page 2 f or warn ing concern ing
other cut ting devices.
Hold the bottom of the trimmer head about 3
inches (8 cm) above theground andat anan-
gle. Allow only the tip of the l ineto make con-
tact. D o not force trimmer line into work area.
3 in. (8 cm)
Above Ground
The scalping technique removes unwant ed
vegetation down to the ground. Hold the bot-
tom ofthetrimmerhead about3inches (8cm)
above the ground and at an angle. Allow the
tipofthelinetostr ikethegroundaroundtrees,
posts, monuments, etc. T his technique in-
creases line wear.
Your trimmer is ideal for mowing in places
conventional lawn mowers cannot reach. In
the mowing position, keep the line parallel to
the ground. A void pressing the head into the
ground asthis canscalpthe g roundanddam-
age the tool.
The fanning action of the rotating line can be
used for a quic k and easy clean up. Keep the
line parallel to and above the su rfaces being
swept and move the tool from side to side.