The cut ting head advances line automati-
cally. Donottap headontheground toad-
vance line. Thismay b reak parts and cause
cutting head to malfunction.
Upon unit start up, the line will advance auto-
maticall y to th e corre ct cutting p ath length.
Always keep theshield in placewhen thetool
is being operated.
WARNING: Use only 0 .080” (2 mm)
diameter rou nd line . Other sizes and sh apes
of line will not advanceprope rly and will re sult in
improper cutt ing head fu nctionor can cause se-
rious injury. Do not use other materials such as
wire, string, rope , etc. Wire can break of f during
cutt ing and become a dangerous missile that
can cause serious injury.
WARNING: Use m inimum speed
anddo notcrowdthe linewhencuttingaround
hard objects (rock, g ravel, fenceposts, etc.),
entangled in the line, or be thrown causing a
serious hazard.
S The tip of the line does the cutting. You will
achieve the best perf ormance and mini-
mum linewear by not crowding the line into
the cutting area. The right and wrong ways
are shown below.
Tip o
Does The Cutting
Line Cr owded Into
Work Area
S The line will easily remove grass and
weeds fr omaroundwalls,fences,trees and
flower beds, but it also can cut the tender
bark of trees or shrubs a ndscar fences.To
help avoid damage especially to delicate
vegetation or trees with tender bark,
shorten line to 4--5 inches (10--13 cm) and
use at less than full throttle.
S For trimming or scalping, use less than full
throttle to incr ease line life and decr ease
head wear, especially:
S During light duty cutting.
S Near objects around which the line can
wrap such as small posts, trees or fence
wire .
S Formowing orsweeping, usefullthrottlefor
a good clean job.
TRIMMING -- Hold the bottom of the trimmer
head about 3 inches (8 cm ) above the ground
and a t a n angle. A llow only the tip of the l ine to
make contact. Do not force t rimmer line into
work area.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
SCALPING -- The scalping technique re-
moves unwanted vegetation down to the
ground. Hold the bottom of the trimmer head
about 3 inches (8 cm) above the ground and
atanangle.Allowthetipofthe lineto strikethe
ground around trees, posts, monuments, etc.
This technique increases line wear.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
MOWING -- Your trimmer is ideal for mowing
in places conventional lawn mowers cannot
reach. In the mowing position, keep the line
parallel to the ground. Avoid pressing t he
head into the ground as this can scalp the
ground and damage the tool.
SWEEPING -- Thefanning action ofthe rotat-
ing line can be used for a quick and easy
clean up. Keep the line parallelto and above
the surface s being swept and move the tool
from side to side.