Engine will not
1. Engine flooded.
2. Fuel tank empty.
3. Spark plug not firing.
4. Fuel not reaching
5. Carburetor requires
1. See “Starting a Flooded Engine” in
Operation Section.
2. Fill tank with correct fuel mixture.
3. Install new spark plug.
4. Check for dirty fuel filter; replace.
Check for kinked or split fuel line;
repair or replace.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine will
not idle
1. Carburetor requires
2. Crankshaft seals worn.
3. Compression low .
1. See “Carburetor Idle Speed Adjustment”
in Service and Adjustments Section.
2. Contact an authorized service dealer.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1. Air filter dirty .
2. Spark plug fouled.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build-up on
muffler outlet screen.
5. Compression low .
Engine will not
lacks power,
or dies under
a load.
1. Clean or replace air filter .
2. Clean or replace plug
and regap.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
5. Contact an authorized service dealer.
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.
2. Air f ilter dirty.
3. Carburetor requires
1. Empty fuel tank and refill with
correct fuel mixture.
2. Clean o r replace air filter.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
Engine runs
1. Fuel mixture incorrect.
2. Spark plug incorrect.
3. Carburetor requires
4. Carbon build-up on
muffler outlet screen.
1. See “Fueling Engine” in Operation
2. Replace with correct spark plug.
3. Contact an authorized service dealer.
4. Contact an authorized service dealer.
WARNING: Alwaysstopunitanddisconnectsparkplugbeforeperformingallofthe
recommended remedies below except rem edies that require operation of the unit.
WEED EATER, a divi sion of Husqva r n a
Consumer Outdoor Products N.A., Inc.,
warrants to the original consumer purchaser
that each new WEED EATER brand gasoline
tool or attachment is free from defects in
material and workmanship andagrees to repair
or replace under t his warranty any defective
gasoline product or attachment as follows from
the original date of purchase.
2YEARS--Parts and Labor , when used for
household purposes.
90 DAYS -- Parts and Labor , when used for
commercial, professional, or income producing
30 DA YS -- Parts and Labor , if used for rental
This warranty is not transferable and does not
cover damage or liability caused by improper
handling, improper maintenance or alteration, or
the use of accessories and/or attachments not
specifically recommended b y WEED E A T ER
for this tool. This warranty does not cover
tune--up, spark pl ugs, filters, starter ropes,
starter springs, cutting line, or rotating head
parts thatwillwear andrequire replacementwith
reasonableuseduringthewarrantyperiod. This
warranty does not cover pre--delivery setup or
normal adjustments explained in the instruction
manual. This warranty does not cover
tra n sp o r t a t i o n costs.
In the event you have a claim under this
warranty, you must return the p roduct to an
authorized service dealer .
Should you have a ny unanswered questions
concerning this warranty, please contact:
WEED EATER, a division of Husqvarna
Consumer Outdoor Products N.A., Inc.
1030 Stevens Creek Road
Augusta, GA 30907