1. Turn and position the grids so that the waffle-sides are facing each other. Thread the hi-temp tubing
thru the shaft of the pivot housing. Attach the pivot housing to the bottom grid with screws (bottom
hole) and screws with washers (middle hole). Use anti-sieze paste on the screw threads, but do
not tighten the screws yet.
2. Insert the pivot shaft thru the pivot housing and top
grid, making sure wires 5, 6 & 20 are routed between
the pivot shaft and the body of the top grid casting.
Secure the pivot shaft with “C” clips on each end.
3. Verify that the top and bottom grids match at the
mating surfaces, then tighten the screws securing
the pivot housing to the bottom grid.
4. Thread the brass bushing over hi-temp tubing and the
shaft of the pivot housing. Press the bushing all the
way against the face of the pivot housing.
5. Install the handle asembly in the top grid. Use
Loctite on the screw threads
6. Install the top grid wiring cover, then the teflon drip
guide and bottom grid wiring cover. Use anti-sieze
paste on the screw threads.
7. The top grid should pivot smoothly. Gently bend the
upper lip of the bottom grid wiring cover until the gap
between wiring covers is maintained thru the entire
swing of the top grid, and the top grid closes
completely on the bottom grid.