Review the following Problems, Possible Causes and Solutions below.
Short loaves
• Wheat breads will be shorter than white breads due to less gluten forming
protein in whole-wheat flour.
• Not enough liquid - Increase liquid by 1-2 teaspoons.
• Sugar omitted or not enough added - Assemble ingredients as listed in recipe.
• Wrong type of flour used - Do not use all-purpose flour.
• Not enough yeast used or too old - Measure amount recommended and check
freshness date on package.
• Wrong type of yeast used - Use fast rising or bread machine yeast. Do not use
compressed yeast.
Flat loves, no rising
• Yeast omitted - Assemble ingredients as listed in recipe.
• Yeast too old - Check expiration date.
• Liquid too hot - Use lukewarm liquids 80-90°F (27-32°C).
• Too much salt added - Use amount recommended in recipe.
• Sugar or other sweetener omitted - Assemble ingredients as listed in recipe.
Top and sides cave in
• Too much liquid – Reduce liquid by 1-2 teaspoons.
• Too much yeast – Use recommended amount.
Gnarly or knotted top, not smooth
• Not enough liquid – Increase liquid by 1-2 teaspoons.
• Too much flour – Measure flour accurately, leveling off measuring cup.
Loaves uneven, shorter on one end
• Dough too dry preventing even rise in bread pan – Increase liquid by 1-2
Collapsed while baking
• May be caused from baking in high altitude – Make adjustment for high altitude
baking by reducing yeast by ¼ teaspoon and reducing liquid by 1-2 teaspoons.