1. View or modify the following settings
2. Click Save for each change you make.
Cloud Access
If you are an administrator, you can turn cloud access on or off for the WD My Cloud device,
controlling whether computers and mobile devices can access the content on it
1. Toggle the Remote Access switch to enable (ON) or disable (OFF) remote access to
the WD My Cloud device.
Note: For information about turning on cloud access for a single device or user,
see “Mobilizing Your Files with WD My Cloud Mobile Apps” on page 62.
2. Connection Status displays information about the status of the remote access
connection to the WD My Cloud device.
Language From the drop-down list, select the language in which you
want the WD My Cloud web pages to display. The default
language is English.
Time Zone From the drop-down list, select the time zone where your
device is located.
NTP Service Leave NTP (network time protocol) Service ON to
automatically synchronize your device to update the time
and date. A page displays current NTP servers, and you
can add another NTP server if you choose.
If you turn NTP Service to OFF, click the Configure link
that displays, enter the current date and time, and click
Primary Server If you want to change to another primary NTP server, click
Add User NTP, and then enter the URL address of the
new primary server.
Date & Time The date and time display. They are synchronized to the
NTP server by default.