Specifications WD Enterprise WDE2170/WDE4360
RELEASED 04-08-97
4079-001045 Rev. B
2.5. Environmental Specifications
2.5.1. Shock and Vibration
All shock and vibration specifications apply to the mounting and orientation conditions
described in section 2.3. Orientation axes are defined in Figure 2-4.
Table 2-10. Shock and Vibration
Operating 10G (2 per second maximum)
Non-operating 70G (3 drops per axis maximum)
Non-operating Rotational Shock 10,000 rad/s
Half-sine wave of 3 ms duration without non-recoverable errors.
Operating 5-20 Hz, 0.037 inch (peak to peak)
20-400 Hz, 0.75G (0 to peak)
Non-operating 5-20 Hz, 0.098 inch (peak to peak)
20-400 Hz, 2.0G (0 to peak)
Sweep Rate One octave per minute (minimum)
Operating Shock
WD Enterprise drives are tested by applying a linear shock in each axis, one axis at a
time, at a rate not exceeding two shocks per second.
The drive incurs no physical damage and no hard errors while subjected to intermittent
shock not exceeding the level listed in Table 2-10. Operating performance may degrade
during periods of shock application.
Non-operating Shock
WD Enterprise drives are tested by applying a linear shock in each axis, one axis at a
time. A maximum of three shocks per axis is applied.
The drive incurs no physical damage when subjected to non-repetitive shocks not
exceeding the level listed in Table 2-10.
Non-operating Rotational Shock
WD Enterprise drives are tested by applying a rotational shock in each direction, about
each axis, one axis at a time.
The drive incurs no physical damage when subjected to rotational shocks not exceeding
the level listed in Table 2-10.