Unit Description
2.3. The Circuit Module
The AFS-16 can accept up to sixteen Circuit Modules. Each Circuit Module includes
a common jack, jacks for “A” and “B” paths, and a Manual A/B switch as described in
Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3: The Circuit Module
The AFS-16 Circuit Module includes the following components:
A/BSwitch: Each A/B Switch can be manually switched, or activated by
commands sent to the Control Module. The A/B Switch can also be operated by
the Control Module’s Master A/B Switch.
“A”Connector: An RJ45 Port, used for connection to your primary line.
“C”Connector: An RJ45 Port, used for connection to a common line.
“B”Connector: An RJ45 Port, used for connection to your fallback line.
ReleasePin: Used to secure the Circuit Module to the AFS-16 frame.
A/BSwitchJumper: (Not Shown) A jumper, located on the Circuit Module board,
which is used to enable/disable the individual Circuit Module’s response to the
Master A/B Gang Switch as described in Section 4.5.1.