
3. Quick Start
This Quick Start Guide describes a simplified installation procedure for the
IPS-800CE-D16 (8-Plugs) and the IPS-1600CE-D16 (16-Plugs) hardware,
which will allow you to communicate with the unit in order to demonstrate
basic features and check for proper operation.
Note that this Quick Start Guide does not provide a detailed description of
unit configuration, or discuss advanced operating features in detail. For more
information, please refer to the Installation, Configuration and Operation
sections in this User's Guide.
3.1. Hardware Installation
3.1.1. Apply Power to the IPS
Refer to power rating nameplate on the IPS back panel, and then connect the
IPS unit to an appropriate power source. Both the IPS-800CE-D16 and the
IPS-1600CE-D16 should be connected to a 100 to 240 VAC power source.
Note that the IPS features two separate AC inputs; connect power cables to
the unit's Circuit "A" and Circuit "B" Power Inlets, install the cable keepers as
described in Section 4, then connect the cables to an appropriate power source.
Models IPS-800CE-D16 and IPS-1600CE-D16 will both support up to 16
Amps maximum per power circuit, for a total of 32 Amps.
Note: Each individual output plug on the IPS unit will support up to
10 Amps maximum.
Set the Main Power Switch in the ON position; the ON LED should light, and
the RDY LED should begin to flash. This indicates that the IPS is ready to
receive commands.